Welcome to Mawali

Welcome to the Blog of Mawali, Mawali is a Marquesis 56' which will be sailed accross the atlantic and pacific oceans begining from Gibraltar on the 29th OCT 2011. For any information on chartering on Mawali please email us.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Goodbye Gibraltar

After a number (4.5) of weeks in Gibraltar it is finally time to set sail. We have spent the past few days squaring the boat away and get everything ready for Mawali's maiden voyage toward the Canary Islands.

We expect calm seas and light winds toward the Canary's and believe the trip will take 5 to 6 days depending on wind. In the Canary's we have a few repairs being done that we couldnt get done in Gib and from there we will be heading straight across to the Carribean.

Gibraltar has been a fantastic place for port over the past months and has provided a number of interesting expieriences, some qoutes from our time in Gib:

"Cigarettes are so cheap here, you cant afford not to smoke",

"The flies here are slow",

"Iv'e never been to Galapogos! Really I havn't! Ever!",

"Why does everyone get up so late here............ Because they're all alcoholics......"

"Holy S#^T, It's George Clooney!"

To all our loved ones we will be out of interent connection range until the Carribean unless we get lucky in Canarys.

Good Travels,

Over and Out,
The Mawali Crew

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Week 3

This week has been a week of wit testing. Alothough we had planned to be sailing away for Gib by the end of the week, due to a number of set backs (Boom End Fitting and Spinniker Repairs), it seems we are going to be here for another week.
We have experienced a number of large surges from weather out at sea but other than life in Gib remains relaxed and laid back.

Keep you up to date with our movements,

Over and Out,

The Mawali Crew

Friday, 18 November 2011

A Day Up the Mast

Today was an eventful day, Where Glenn was given the mission to climb the mast. Apparently being constantly scared 100ft above the ground is exhausting because there was not much else that was accomplished today. Below are some great pictures of the view from the top of Gib and from the safe and sound ground level.

 A View of Mawali from the top
of the mast (Left), Glenn in scale to the
   boat (Right - (he is the small dot on the   top of the mast))

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Gibraltar by Day




Gibraltar by Night

Spain and Beach Gun Tower


   A Fantastic View From inside and ontop of the300 year old gun tower on the Spanish Coast

Week 2

As the hours in each day fly by we're now into week 3. Week 2 was a little more relaxed than week 1 as we get through all the repairs on Mawali.

Good progress with the repairs as we started up the engines for the first time, very exciting (mainly for Glenn), although it was nice to hear them run smoothly. The biggest problem that we have run into thus far is trying to figure out what the settings and cycles on the washing machine mean as they are all in spanish.

Other than that this week has been a little boring with trying to get enough done so that we can do some exploring over the next couple of weeks. We have plans to visit the kiteboarding town of Tarifa and do the cliff face walk of the famous Camino Del Rey. Also this week we have been informed of some fantastic dive sites around the Gib area, including a WWII bomber.

Good News, Following this post will be photos of Gib and Spain.

To all our loved ones, hello and happy days.

Over and Out,

The Mawali Crew

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Week 1

Hey guys,
So there goes the first week and it has been as hard working as it has been enjoyable. We're well through a lot of the major repairs that we had to do on the boat and as of today, WE HAVE POWER!!! Chris has been helping Glenn alot with all the electrics and mechanics of the boat and Benny and myself have been doing alot of the organising.

So far we are still on schedule to leave before the end of the month as we go through the systems that we need in place for our ocean passage. We have recently discovered that it is very important to have the ships papers with you when shopping in Spain (Dad and Benny had some minor difficulties explaining to customs that the washing machine we purchased was for a boat).

On the other hand we havnt had any major issues apart from the fact that I have been able to put myself through some form of painful experience at least once a day including sacrificing my body to get the price of a pineapple in the local Spanish supermarket.

I am still awaiting to get some good pictures to post, but look forward to them because they will be amazing ;)

Over and out,

The Mawali Crew

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Welcome to Mawali

Hey guys,

Sorry it has taken so long to put a new a post up I thought I would bring some suspence into the equation. We arrived safe and sound after the long 36 hours of flying, but certainly worth it. Once we flew into Gibraltar we had to find a taxi big enought for our 3000 bags and then make our way to the marina where the boat is mored, Ocean Village.

Gibraltar is nice, there is something about it that makes you feel like your on holidays. it has little qwerks about it that make it. Colourful lights along the marina and shore line, old run down spanish/english buildings, cafes with freshly baked croissants. all these little things are what Gib is about. (Locals like ourselves call it Gib).

Mawali, while we have alot of repairs to do on the boat she is a beauty. big, white and what seems fairly solid for our next few months accross the atlantic and pacific oceans. We are currently spending alot of time going through everything and making sure all systems are go and we have everything repaired and ready.

Ill keep you updated on where our journeys are taking us but thats it for now untill i get some pictures that make you think we are in paridise.

Over and Out,

Mawali Crew